Brocaded Collar

Warp: White silk
Weft: Really thin white silk
Brocade weft: #5 Kreinik jap
Pattern: brocade
Cards: 42
Width: 2.3cm
Length: 44cm

This band is for my friend Kotek. He wanted a band that looked something like the one in the pictured below, which is from Leonhart Fuchs's De Historia Stirpium There's no particular reason to think this band was tabletwoven; it could well have been embroidered. But there were tabletwoven bands around at the time.

I designed a pattern that looked like it would be at home in Anna Neuper's Modelbuch. It didn't really turn out with as much brocade showing as I wanted because I failed to take into account the way that alternating under-over-under with the brocade just looks like it's under all the time (I guess it would have looked better if my pickups had been under one strand only). But it still looks very pretty.

I wove the whole thing at the Lindisfarne encampment held by Ordo Cygni over Queen's Birthday weekend (5-7 June). I had to weave like a mad thing to get it done in time but I made it!


  1. No se ingles pero al traducir este articulo me parece muy importante conocer como se enhebran las tarjetas y como se teje
    le escribo desde Popayan Cauca Colombia soy ama de casa bordadora y tejedora de sueños

  2. All the cards are threaded alternating Z and S with 4 white threads. The pattern is formed by the brocading weft which passes as shown in the diagram. If you are looking for online instruction on brocading let me know and I'll point you in the right direction.

  3. Gracias muchas gracias por atender mi solicitud le quedo inmenzamente agradecida por la instrucción en línea en brocado:
    el enhebrado de las tarjetas segun sea Z/S
    color de hilos en cada agujero
    turnos a mover las tarjetas
    adelante o atras
    gracias muchas gracias
    hasta pronto gloria

    hágamelo saber y voy a señalarle en la dirección correcta.

  4. por favor necesito continuar en comunicacion deseo activar mi suscripcion gracias

  5. There is a good article on brocaded tablet weaving here:

    Sorry, I don't know of any in Spanish. I know I my site gets some visitors from here who could maybe help you:

  6. I look for online instruction brocade appreciate your teaching


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