Catalogue of Sakrale Gewänder des Mittelalters

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, here's a list of the contents of Sakrale Gewänder des Mittelalters, in case it's of use to anyone. If anyone happens to be interested in one of the items here let me know and I'll provide the text and/or picture(s) of the item in question. It's a bit long so it's after the jump. Sorry for any oddities in the translation. Items in italics come with pictures.

While writing this up I found a few more mentions of tablet weaving, which I'll write up separately.

1. Hunting materials (Nuremburg, Germanisches Museum, Persia around 600)
2. So-called cloak of St Alexander (Ottobeuren, Benedictine abbey church, 6th-7th century)
3. Reliquary materials (Regensburg, Cathedral treasury)
a) Two silk fragments (8th century Syrian-Egyptian)
b) Red silk with gold-brown pattern (Islamic, 8/9th century)
c) Seven fragments of silk (East Iran, 8th/9th century
4. Cingulum of the Bishop Witgarius of Augsburg (Augsburg, Diocesan Museum, 9th century)
5. Two fragments of a cingulum (Augsburg, Diocesan Museum, late 9th century)
a) Red, tablet-woven silk band
b) Silk band like a)
6. Eagle flight of Alexander the Great from the Wurzburg cathedral treasury (Wurzburg, Mainfrankisches Museum, probably 10th century)
7. Maniple of St Ulrich (Andechs, Pilgrimage church, treasury, 10th century)
8. Chasuble of Augsburg Cathedral (Augsburg, Dicoesan museum, 13th century)
9. Chasuble of Augsburg Cathedral (Augsburg, Dicoesan museum, 10th/11th century)
10. Book binding (Munich, Bavarian City Library, around 1000)
11. Chasuble of St Willigis of Aschffenburg (Munich, National Museum, around 1000)
12. Chasuble of St Gotthard (Benedictine abbey church, Niederaltaich, Sacristy, around 1000)
13. Cingulum of St Gotthard (Benedictine abbey church, Niederaltaich, Sacristy, German, start of the 11th century)
14. Pontifical shoe of St Gotthard (Benedictine abbey church, Niederaltaich, Sacristy, German, start of the 11th century)
15. Panniselus (?) on the abbot's staff of St Gotthard (Benedictine abbey church, Niederaltaich, Sacristy, headpiece German, flag islamic, start of the 11th century)
16. Chasuble of St Wolfgang (Regensburg, St Emmeram, 11th century)
17. Chasuble of St Albuin (Brixen, cathedral treasury, 10th century)
18. "Choir mantle of St Kunignunde" (Bamberg, cathedral treasury)
19. Star mantle of Emperor Heinrich II the Holy (Bamberg, cathedral treasury)
20. Tunic of Emperor Heinrich II the Holy (Bamberg, cathedral treasury, before 1127)
21. Silk material, from the Bamberg cathedral treasury (Munich, Bavarian National Museum, start of the 11th century)
22. Silk material, from the Bamberg cathedral treasury (Munich, Bavarian National Museum, start of the 11th century)
23. Silk material, from the Bamberg cathedral treasury (Munich, Bavarian National Museum, Islamic)
24. Riding cloak of Emperor Heinrich II the Holy (Bamberg, cathedral treasury, 11th century)
25. Cloak of St Kunigunde (Bamberg, cathedral treasury, before 1127)
26. Rationales (?) (Bamberg, cathedral treasury, 11th century)
27. Regalia of Pope Clement II from is grave in the west choir of the Bamberg cathedral (11th century)
a) Chasuble b) Pluvial c) Dalmatic d) Pontifical hose e) Cingulum f) Stole g) Gloves h) Pallium i) Mitre
28. Girdle of St Kunigunde (Bamberg Cathedra, South Italian or Spain, 11tth/12th century)
29. Stole (Andechs, Pilgrimage Church, treasury)
30. Fragment of the skirt of St Elisabeth (Andechs, Pilgrimage Church, treasury, 11th century)
31. So-called stole of Johannes Evangelist (Andechs, Pilgrimage Church, treasury, 11th/12th century
32. Lion fabric (Passau, cathedral treasury, Mesopotamia, 11th century)
33. Rug of St Gereon in Cologne (Nuremburg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Cologne, end of the 11th century)
34. Chasuble of the blessed Hartmann (Brixen, cathedral treasury, 12th century)
35. Mitre of the blessed Hartman (Brixen, cathedral treasury, 12th century)
36. Gloves of the blessed Hartmann (Polling, former Augustine choir, 12th century)
37. So-called mitre of St Otto (Bamberg, St Michael's, 12th century)
38. So-called stole of St Martin (Aschaffenburg, monastery church treasury, German, 11th/12th century)
39. So-called stole of St Aureus (Aschaffenburg, monastery church treasury, German, 12th century)
40. So-called mass robe of St Peter (Andechs, PilgrimageChurch, treasury, Egypt, 12th century)
41. Stole (Andechs, Pilgrimage Church, treasury, 12th/13th century)
42. Maniple (Andechs, PilgrimageChurch, treasury, German, 12th century)
43. Reliquary bag (Nuremburg, Germanisches Museum, Byzantine, 11th century)
44. Reliquary bag from the Augsburg Cathedral (Augsburg, Diocesan Museum, German, end of the 12th century)
45. Chasuble of St Willibald (Eichstätt, cathedral, 12th century)
46. "Mitre of St Otto" (Bamberg, cathedral treasury, 12th century)
47. Components of the regalia of Bishop Otto II
a) Dalmatic of white silk b) Pontifical shoe of silk
48. Pontifical glove (Brixen, cathedral treasury, around 1200)
49. Components of regalia (Passau, cathedral treasury, end of the 12th century)
a) Tunicella b) Dalmatic
50. Alb (Munich, Bavarian National Museum, German, beginning of the 13th century)
51. Mitre from the abbey Seligenthal b. Landshut (Munich, Bavarian National Museum, English, early 13th century)
52. Pouch, unstitched (Passau, cathedral treasury, South German, start of the 12th century
53. Reliquary pouch, unstitched (Passau, cathedral treasury, start of the 13th century)
54. Mitre of St Wolfgang (Regensburg, St Emmeram, South German, middle of the 13th century)
55. Chasuble (Munich, Bavarian National Museum, German or Italian, 13th century)
56. Antependium from Lüne Abbey (Hamburg, Museum for Art and Craft, Regensburg, middle of the 13th century)
57. Half silk material (Augsburg, St Ulrich and Afra, Regensburg, 13th century
58. Altar fronal of Bishop Heinrich von Rotteneck (Regensburg, cathedral treasury)
59. Reliquary box (regensburg, cathedral treasury, South German, middle of the 13th century)
60. So-called Heinrich's garments (Regensburg, old chapel, around 1300)
a) Chasuble b) Dalmatic c) Tunicella d) Chasuble e) Tunicella f) Dalmatic
61. Rationale (Regensburg, Cathedral Treasury, Regensburg, middle of the 14th century)


  1. This is a great service you have provided, listing these textiles. I am looking for a description or image of a cloak, dating from Henry II's time (11th c.) that has been ascribed to the southern Italian Duke Melo or Melus. It is/was in the cathedral treasury at Bamberg. Is there any reference in the book to it?Do they still refer to it as Melo's or is it one of the ones ascribed above to Henry II or St Kunigunde? Some of my research has been on the entertaining description of Duke Melo in William of Apulia's poem on the deeds of Robert Guiscard and perceptions of identity through descriptions of dress. You can read it here on my medieval exchanges blog:

  2. Hi there. I'm afraid I'm not aware of any reference to this item in the book. 18 and 19 have inscriptions attibuting them to Kunigunde and Henry respectively. The embroidery in 24 depicts and man with throne and sceptre and 25 is covered in ecclesiatical scenes. Perhaps you could try contacting Bamberg Cathedral Tresasury directly? Here's an email address for the diocesan museum:

  3. Hello, I am a professor of medieval history at Saint Louis University and am doing research on the medieval pallium. If you are still able and willing, could you please send me the text and picture for no. 27h, Pope Clement II's pallium? I would be immensely grateful! My email address is Steve Schoenig, S.J.

  4. Hello. This thread may be too old for a repsonse, but I thought I'd try! I am looking for information on No.3, particularly an embroidered reliquary which was in Regensburg, Cathedral treasury. Links to any images would be great too. Thank you, Elizabeth

  5. If you still follow this, I would greatly appreciate information about the 12th and 13th century tablet woven bands! My email is


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